
They said

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*We came into the workshop not knowing much about labor and childbirth. any previous knowledge were snapshots of family and friends, relatives but never in real detail. but we came out from the workshop feeling less anxious about upcoming birth – Oct 2015

*Helpful points : Ways a husband/father can support the mother. Pain coping techniques including the practical skills.How to mentally prepare yourself for the worse outcomes. Very informative session..went over the time limit but I think it was good- still able to absorb the info without zoning out. – Feb 2016

*I found the workshop very useful. At first I was sure that i would be using epidural during labor but after i attended the workshop, it opened my eyes on giving birth naturally and have changed my mind since. I hope I can use the techniques and be able to withstand the process drug-free. – March 2016

*After attending the workshop, we learnt about coping with pain, how to use breathing techniques. also the benefits of natural birth and the importance of tting nature take its course. it was a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere, thank you – April 2016

*We learnt loads, that no two births are the same and people cope differently. we know more about the different techniques in coping with pain, besides breathing exercises. It was useful to learn the difference between natural birth and drug assisted birth. It made us reconsider our birth plan and help us decide where to deliver our baby – April 2016

*The breathing techniques, coping mechanisms such as NFA, using our voice, these are new information to us, very useful! It was an insightful session that helped take the edge of the scary expectation of labor and delivery , thank you – April 2016

*We learnt something new from the workshop and now we are beginning to ask the right questions – April 2016

*The topic on pain management, what daddies would expect was useful. Building a conducive environment and the importance of creating a safe and secure environment. – May 2016

*I only knew 2 pain coping techniques and now more to try and that snacks and keeping self hydrated is crucial. Must pack snacks etc! Information about oxytocin and endorphins vs adrenaline was very useful! Workshop is definitely better than the 4 antenatal classes in XXXX. Focuses more on the beauty of giving birth rather than what we should do during labor – May 2016

*Sharing personal experiences (from other mothers) was very useful especially for first time mums. I wished the workshop duration was longer because I find this workshop very useful and interesting too! The practical was useful too. – May 2016

*Facing my tigers and making my birthing nest safe was a helpful tip and also the breathing technique. – May 2016

*Your class really made a difference to how I cope on my second labor.. I will never forget your lessons and definitely recommend mothers to be to attend your workshop.. you should consider being a doula 🙂 – B Hamidon, June 2016

*My husband and I really benefited from your workshop. Especially the part about making informed decisions. They wanted to pump me & the baby steroids but i felt it was unnecessary seeing how baby is almost full term and in good health condition. –  Ayuni, July 2016

*We learnt about how to cope with your fear and also pain , and the ocean of emotions during stage 2 of labor. The practicals of breathing / NFA and avoiding episiotomy , we wished were presented in more detail. Overall, the workshop was insightful. I like the chocolate cake. Very crispy. – July 2016

*The workshop was an eyeopener especially on the effects of epidural. How important a husband’s role is during labor and how to relate to mother’s  pain (Husband’s POV ) and how to manage them. Other comments: Have a proposed list of what to bring to the hospital. – July 2016

*We learnt alot! We wished we could get an insight into Brunei hospital procedures and birth facilities both govt & private. The pain coping techniques, husband’s role before / during / after labor and the stages of labor was useful. Other comments : A very good workshop. We enjoyed it and hope to be able to practice some of the pain coping techniques as well as other practical advice. – July 2016

*We are motivated to have a natural birth as possible and we found topic on pain management useful. We expected some kind of role play or simulation of the real labor situation (especially for birth partner). – July 2016

*After attending the workshop, we learnt more information on contractions and on what to do after the baby  is born. The things presented were sufficient enough. The topic about pain and techniques to manage them were useful. – July 2016

* Thank you for all the prenatal yoga, it was the most enjoyable exercise i had throughout pregnancy . Laborland workshop really helped too although it did require a lot of willpower to stick through all that intense pain. I hope to be able to join your normal yoga classes once i have recovered 🙂 – Farah

*Alhamdulillah even though i had cser last year, Surprisingly contractions was not that painful as i expected. No pain relief used because the pain was bearable. The tip is I practised the holding an ice from your very first labour workshop last year. Basically, my brain focused on different things when the contraction came. I thought of peaceful things: Allah, my daughter, my husband and your sakura tree that is in front of your studio (i call it sakura tree🌸😝)! So your workshop is very beneficial to all mummies😉👍 – Jannah July 2016


*I really enjoyed the class although the session was quite long, time passes by so fast! Thank you for the valuable lessons! – Zar, August 2016

*The session was great! I can see positive changes in my husband’s behaviour. – Bibi, August 2016

*The unnecessary need for an episiotomy was really eye opening! The birthing positions really stood out in the discussion as well. The whole session was really eye opening, particularly where unnecessary procedures are done in hospitals. It was also nice that you incorporated information from the Quran.  – August 2016

*The stages of labor and the pain coping techniques stood out in the discussion. It was a really informative and interesting session. And the practical elements were very useful. – Perhaps it would be useful to structure the pain coping techniques in such a way that it makes it easier to remember the key learnings – August 2016

*I just wanted to share the fact that i have given birth to a healthy baby girl. I have to say your class really really helped me prepare mentally and i am sure if i didnt go to your class I would 100% have opted for an unnecessary alternative. (full story under Birth Stories ‘rabiatul’s birth story’.)


*I should have attended this class during my first pregnancy. I found the topics on labor & stages of labor (for daddies), breathing exercises, pelvic floor exercises, optimal foetal postioning. ALso the importance of exercising in pregnancy. – Mum attempting VBAC, October 2016 , Express class.


*I found all the topics useful, especially medical interventions. Thank you for telling us that cutting (episiotomy) is not necessary. All the experiences shared have been very useful as well. I feel more positive / ready to go into labor. – October 2016, Express class.

*I would like to have a natural delivery after hearing experiences shared by other mums. I learnt the importance of exercise during pregnancy and the importance of relaxation (to help with labor). We found the topics on drugs for pain relief useful. – October 2016, Express class.

*The topics that stood out for us (from the AMANI birth class) were the; pregnancy exercises, the kegel and the squats,Hormones and the side effects of drugs in labor.Labor stages, the labor dance!Birth plan and pregnancy nutrition, the benefits of dates and water! We feel ready, prepared, confident and reassured and have a sense of security now that the husband now knows how to support me. – December 4th 2016

*Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulilah, meet the other baby who has stolen my heart ♥️ Born on the 24th of February at 2am. Thank you for coming out just in time before they induce mummy 😘 img_7534
And got to experience natural birth this time, Alhamdulilah. The pain of labour and the whole process was beyond painful but not as bad as how I imagined it would be. Part of it was probably because of my husband being there during the whole thing, which I’m very thankful for. You made the whole thing 10x more bearable. Thank you for being my rock and my cheerleader ♥️ And also thanks to Amani birth class @danura @birthlings for helping me and my husband to prepare mentally and physically what to expect during labour. I advised all expecting parents to take that class, its worth every penny. Allah has made my labour as smooth and short as possible. Alhamdulilah ♥️ – @teenords (Attiya Nordin)

*A very beneficial class despite it being an Express class. A whole lot of information for first  time moms to be. Lots of information that I have learnt and need to be aware of. Would love to learn more if we get more chances on this. Though researching by ourselves can help a bit. – father to be , Express class 10/3/17

*I really do recommend mothers  to attend the prenatal yoga with @birthlings and read the AMANI book. Honestly, although this is my 4th pregnancy and gave birth naturally all three before, i still feel amazed with all the knowledge i got from the class and the book!  I actually can practice the deep relaxation during prenatal yoga. It feels so good because i know what to expect how deep relaxation should feel when your surges (contractions) occur. The deep relaxation helps manage the pain insyaAllah. This class also helps with poses to address my back pain. and i can actually practice and do the poses at home to relieve them. – via @swanky_momma – Nabilah Taif.


*I followed what you taught me to do, all the swaying and walking during initial contractions… regardless what i was told (by the nurses to lie down), i kept swaying, walking, munching on biscuits for labor (4-5cm dilated). The nurses repeatedly offered me pethidine, despite me telling them i did n’t want to as i was scared i was allergic to the drug – Alhamdulilah, thank you for the techniques you have taught me. My son is 3 months old now and im glad i went to your birthing class. – via ig @qeelafayfay, Express class, August 2016


Alhamdulillah, i had a normal delivery on 2 nd July. Feeling so grateful and blessed to know and find out about your class. During my early labor stage, i did my facial not knowing i was having contractions! My husband was really supportive in the labor room. He was there all the time and helped me breathe through it. He also reminded me about the delayed cutting of the cord and we were given 10 minutes waiting time. –  Habibah, May 2017 Express class

*I gave birth to a baby girl last week. My husband was an amazing partner, from doing the labor dance with me during early contractions to supporting me during active labor. when i was in pain and close to pushing, he reminded me to use my low pitch voice. He remembers all that from your class and i am so grateful. We didn’t use any pain relief and the midwives were very supportive. Despite having AROM, an IV drip and epi, it was a good birth experience and we were aware of all the consequences of our choices and we got to have DCC. Thank you so much. We have gained alot from attending your class. – Cindy & Liew, March AMANI class 2017


Assalamualaikum Nora n salam Ramadhan. Just wanted to share with you my birth story. I finally gave birth to a healthy 3kg baby boy last night at 40 weeks and 5 days. 😊😊 Naturally. I wanted to thank you for all the advice and the teachings you taught me and my husband in the express class. It was really helpful. We definitely used the info during the labour and was so aware of the drugs n u were right that in that state we can easily agree to anything. Thankfully my husband was also there to keep an eye oneverything. So thank you for doing the class Nora and taking us in when we were already so far along in my pregnancy! We really benefitted even if it was just a short express class 😘 – Hamizah, May Express class

*Just want to share with you alhamdulillah, i just delivered 2 days ago to a healthy baby boy via normal delivery. Thank you so much for the class it really helped! i managed to refuse pain relief medications and only did some breathing and visualization with dzikir to manage the pain. My husband was with me the whole time and was an awesome coach during labor! He said the balloon exercise helped (LOL) – Thank you so much once again – Fauziyah, April AMANI class 2017

*Hi Nora, I’ve delivered a baby girl on the 8th of June just after midnight. I don’t know how I did it but I actually pushed out a baby!!! the experience felt so surreal up until now. I had to induced because of GD. but I never doubted my doctor’s decision. I agree with her- the best way to deliver is the SAFEST option. I truly believed she pushed for the best suggestion to not wait any longer. we did go past our due date by 2 days because I negotiated for a day to see if I could go off on my own with labour. Anyways, just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU for preparing us for the big day.  IMG_9605My husband is soooooooooooo amazing. he didn’t leave me even for one second. he watched my baby crown and encouraged me all the way&!. he knows my birth story better than i do! we did delayed cord clamping and he cut our baby’s umbilical cord. he even watched me get stitched up! I remember going through SO MUCH PAIN I begged my doctor to cut me open and for my husband to just kill me! BUT I ploughed through,  so unbelievable, thank you so much for all the knowledge and help you shared during the birth class! – Paolin April AMANI birth class.




*Alhamdulillah ya Rabb, i gave birth to a beautiful baby boy yesterday on 17 Ramadhan, 12 June. Shukran for the birth class/tips/motivation, it really helped! I sempat did my final revision last friday. Bidznillah it was fast and quick… i gave birth at 744am with my dearest husband next to me who calmed me down to push without no medical intervention…this time i feel that i was prepared and educated myself on the processes of labor.  – nana musa April 2017


Alhamdulillah, i had a successful vbac at 439pm yesterday. Thank you for giving me the confidence to go through it. My birth plan was supported, with some give and take, but i am happy to inform that i am also already back home with my first born less than 24 hours later. Alhamdulillah, thank you again! – Hazeema March AMANI class 2017

Jazakillahu khairan for all the pep talk and the lessons you have imparted to me and Kai! Seriously.. AMANI birth was one of our best finds as we were doing our transition to parenthood. – Zaidah, February AMANI class, – Read about her birth story here!


Thank you so much for the insight you gave Yusof and I during the Amani Birth Classes. Yusof was an amazing birth partner. He cheered me on alongside the Nurses and Doctor, told me when the head was out and made sure I was well hydrated and fed, with air zamzam and ajwa dates, after the delivery, as well as making sure baby was well taken care of. As soon as I checked into the hospital I had a yoga ball brought down for me. It definitely helped me get through labour pains. It helped so well that I was 8cm dilated without even knowing. They had to wheel me into the delivery room to prepare for delivery. Within 2 mins I was already fully dilated and baby was out in less than 30 mins naturally. The birth was so beautiful and we cannot thank you enough for making us aware of the various interventions out there and voicing out what we wanted. I felt like my birth plan was definitely respected with some give and take. Alhamdulillah we welcomed our baby girl yesterday at 9.07AM. Have a blessed Ramadan and hope you and your family are all well! 💕  – Shazrina April AMANI birth class.



*I just wanted to let you know that i have delivered safely a healthy 3.74kg baby boy on 22 July 2017. Even though it did not go exactly as i planned, i remembered every little detail of what we learnt from the class, even the nurses and midwives were surprised that I knew all those terms! My husband also played a major role especially when I was in the labor room, giving me continuous support, masyaAllah i was impressed with how calm he was ! – Eyah, May 2017



Eden was safely delivered on 7th July 2017 by scheduled cesarean. 

The doctor uttered  ‘Allahhhuakbar’ and gave the final push. His first cry was the most beautiful thing I have ever heard, that I broke down into tears.

 Read this beautiful birth story here! – May 2017



Alhamdulilah i gave birth last friday 5 syawal, 30 June. We are really thankful we found out about your class and had gained alot from it.  Munirah, May 2017


I have safely delivered my baby boy on 31st July 2017 at 537am, weighing in at 3.43kg. Syukur alhamdulillah, i managed to have a normal delivery even with having pre eclampsia and mild gestational diabetes. We also managed to avoid any interventions such as inductions and breaking of water manually… we managed to voice out our wants and ask questions.. my midwife was impressed we knew alot and asked where we learnt everything haha. Syukur alhamdulillah, it was an amazing experience. – siti & rafie May 2017

IMG_1654 IMG_2266ofp feedback


Mum Ann September 2017 Birth class



Mummy Farah, August Birth Class 2017


Mummy Amal, September 2017 private class















